The Social Work Education, Policy, and Practice (SWEPP) Research Group is delighted to invite all members to the second instalment in the ‘Social Work on the Edge’ Series taking place on Wednesday 6th December 2023 12.00pm – 1.00pm.
Join us for "Factors promoting nonviolent relationships in men exposed to domestic abuse as children: a study on strength, coping and resilience", with guest speaker Jessica Wagner.

About the webinar:
Whilst there are various theories exploring the cause of domestic abuse, a popular perspective relates to the concept of intergenerational transmission of such abuse within families. However, research on the topic is inconclusive and some studies argue that most children exposed to domestic abuse do not continue such behaviours in adulthood. In this webinar, Jess will describe the context of and emerging findings from her doctoral study investigating factors promoting non-violent relationships in men who were exposed to domestic abuse as children, with a particular focus on support and resilience within their ecological environment. All members of the West Midlands Social Work Teaching Partnership are welcome and can join using the link below.
About the speaker:
Jessica is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Social Work, the MSc Social Work Course Lead, and a doctoral researcher at the University of Central Lancashire. Prior to working in social work academia, Jess was a social work practitioner and manager, principally in child safeguarding and child in need services. Whilst in local authority practice, Jess held a specialist post as a social worker for domestic abuse. She has worked for the NSPCC as a deputy manager in a school based therapeutic project and has experience of working in the Youth Justice System.