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Accredited CPD Courses

Practice Education
Keele University
This course is aimed at qualified and registered Social Workers, who wish to develop and assess the professional practice of students whilst out on placement. Social Workers undertaking the course should have at least two years of post qualifying experience, and be supported by their employer to host a social work student for the duration of a full practice placement. Attainment of stages 1 and 2 of the Practice Educator Professional Standards, are currently linked to the social worker, and experienced social worker levels of the Social Work Professional Capabilities Framework.
Formative assignment – 1000-1200 words, reflection on learning from the first part of the course, in relation to current themes within social work education. This does not count towards the final grade of the module, but is given an indicative grade and constructive feedback, aimed at easing candidates back into academic study. Summative Assessment is in the form of a portfolio which comprises: A learning agreement between the candidate and their assessor; A final report by the assessor, that the candidate has demonstrated capability against the Practice Educator Professional Standards; Evidence that the candidate has undertaken two direct observations of their work with a social work student on placement; A 1,000 word review of their professional development in working with another learner, at any stage of the social work curriculum (from entry level up to and including ASYE); A 3,000 word assignment demonstrating a critical analysis of challenges faced in undertaking the role of a practice educator in current social work practice.
30 M level credits (level 7)
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